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Grant Resources

Oregon Grant Calander 2022
Grant Funders!

Funding Opportunities


AARP Community Challenge 


Arthur R. Dubs Foundation
Service area: Wilderness areas, sportsmanship, youth and basic needs
Counties: Rural communities


Autzen Foundation
Service area: Social service, arts and culture, educational, and youth-centered organizations.
Counties: All


Cambia Health Foundation
Service area: Child health, transforming health care and sojourns.
Counties: All


Charlotte Martin Foundation
Service area: Opportunities for rural BIPOC youth; climate change, biodiversity, wildlife/habitat preservation.
Counties: All


Chorus America
Service area: Music education grants available to community organizations and schools.
Counties: All


Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation 

The Foundation welcomes requests for support from community-based, non-profit organizations based in the United States

 The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation will consider grants for IRS-qualified non-profit organizations located within the United States. The Foundation aims to support organizations and programs for which a relatively small amount of funding might make a large difference. The Foundation will consider requests to support museums, cultural and performing arts programs; schools and hospitals; educational, skills-training and other programs for youth, seniors, and persons with disabilities; environmental and wildlife protection activities; and other community-based organizations and programs. Awards typically range from $1,000 to $20,000. The Foundation cannot make grants to individuals. 


FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
Service area: Preparedness Grants
Counties: All


Fund For Sacred Places


Hansen Family Foundation

The Hansen Family Foundation provides opportunities to domestic, international, secular, and non-secular organizations that support the American way of life, which is defined by the principles of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Specific focus is placed on: Humanitarian Support


Harvest Foundation 
Service area: Education.
Counties: All


Jackson Foundation
Service area: All.
Counties: All


KFCF Home Page - KFC Foundation


Mariners Care Community Impact Grants
Service area: Invest in efforts that lead to positive health outcomes for youth and accelerate equity outcomes for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) communities.
Provide one-year grants ranging from $10K-$25K. In addition, Care Foundation team will work with its nonprofit partners to determine other ways Mariners can support their work.
Counties: All


Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund 
Service area: Cultural arts, education, human services, medical and public benefit.
Counties: All


M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust 
Service area: Scientific, arts and cultural, health and human services and education.
Counties: All


Meyer Memorial Trust 
Service area: Equitable education, affordable housing, healthy environment, and building communities.
Counties: All


Northwest Health Foundation 
Service area: Health-related; advance, support, promote health in Oregon/SW Washington.
Counties: All


OHSU Knight Cancer Institute Community Partnership Program 
Service area: Community, education, government and health.
Counties: All


Oregon Community Foundation
Service area: Various.
Counties: All


Oregon Cultural Trust 

Counties: All


Oregon Humanities Grants
Service area: Oregon nonprofits that are based in and led by rural communities and/or organizations led by Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color (BIPOC) communities.
Counties: All


Oregon Law Foundation Funds
To Apply: Grant application info
Service area: Oregon nonprofits that provide civil legal help to people with low incomes, organizations that promote diversity in the legal profession in Oregon, and organizations that educate Oregonians about the law.
Counties: All


Pacific Power Foundation
Service area: Education, civic and community betterment, culture and arts, health, welfare and social services.
Counties: All


Perkins Coie LLP– Racial Equality Grant Program
Service area: Focused on advancing racial equlity through legal representation, policy advocacy, and community-based activities. Seeking groups focused on pursuing social & economic justice that have not historically had ready access to other funding sources.
Counties: All


Portland General Electric Foundation – Various Grants
Service area: Education, arts and cultural, community.
Counties: All


Portland Trail Blazer Foundation – Various Grants
Service area: Education, art, sports and community.
Counties: All


Potlatch Fund – Tribes, tribal nonprofits, Native-led nonprofits, Native artists, and Native initiatives.
Service area: Four-state service areas of Oregon, Idaho, Montana  and Washington.
Counties: All


Rumphius Foundation


Schwemm Family Foundation
Service area: Healthy lifestyles, environment and cultural history.
Counties: All


Seeding Justice
Service area: Prioritize funding for small, emergent, and grassroots organizations and those that are led by Black and Indigenous people and other communities of color.
Counties: All


The Burning Foundation 
Service area: Environmental programs and teen pregnancy prevention
Counties: All


The Collins Foundation
Service area: Community welfare, arts and humanities, education, children and youth, health and science, environment and religion.
Counties: All


The Ford Family Foundation – Various Grants
Service area: Early childhood development, youth development & education, child abuse prevention & intervention, access to health & dental, education for job readiness, postgraduate transition, scholarships, rural leaders, community capacity, statewide rural capacity, community development, economic vitality and visual arts.
Counties: All


The Healy Foundation
Service area: Environmental conservation and well being of children
Counties: All


The James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation
Service area: Arts and education.
Counties: All


The Kinsman Foundation 
Service area: Historic preservation, native wildlife rehabilitation and appreciation, arts, cultural and humanities.
Counties: All


The Reser Family Foundation 
Service area: Arts, education, environment and health.
Counties: All


The Robert D. and Marcia H. Randall Charitable Trust
Service area: Education, youth development, community building, public policy, arts, culture and museums.
Counties: All


The Roundhouse Foundation
Service area: Arts and culture, environmental stewardship, education, and social services that enhance the economic sustainability of rural communities.
Counties: Nonprofits in rural Oregon communities


The Standard Charitable Foundation
Service area: Health communities, disability and empowerment, education and advancement.
Counties: All. Priority is given to organizations that serve areas where The Standard’s employees live and work


Trust Management Services – Regional grants
Service area: Education, community service, cultural, youth activities, and historical preservation.
Counties: All


Umpqua Bank Charitable Foundation
Service area: Youth development, education and economic opportunity.
Counties: All


Wells Fargo Community Giving
Service area: Arts, culture, human services and humanities.
Counties: All


Wildhorse Foundation
Service area: Arts, cultural activities, education, environmental protection, gambling addiction prevention education and treatment, historic preservation, public health, public safety and salmon restoration.
Counties: Morrow, Umatilla, Union, and Wallowa

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